During weekend, as usual, Kelab Jersi Kita held a Malaysian Football Heritage Collections Exhibition and it was visited by jersey collectors and surprisingly by former Malaysia Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. It was a precious moment when Tun Dr Mahathir proudly holding the Kedah Malaysia Cup 1993 Champion Jersey as he came from Kedah. Tun Dr Mahathir was a fan of Kedah football team. However, what is important during the exhibition is that we can share knowledge and information among public about our Malaysian football heritage. We are proud of our football heritage. Its all about passion and sharing is caring. Below are the photos during the exhibition:-
The Malaysian football collections. On the left was a Malaya flag.
Precious Malaysian football collections.
Various kinds of Malaysian football collections dated back 1933.
The match/programme books.
Precious jerseys from Malaysian football scene.
Apart from jerseys, there were match pennants.
Tun Dr Mahathir interested in Kedah jersey as he was a fan of Kedah.
Tun Dr Mahathir taking photo together with the jersey collectors, holding the Kedah Malaysia Cup 1993 Champion jersey.
The jersey collectors together with the heir.